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 Clear Green Hardwood Lumber WTB
 Ad Posted:  Tuesday, January 14, 2025
 Ad Expires:  Monday, April 14, 2025
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Wood bending shop buying 1000'+ at a time of clear green hardwoods year round. We use most domestic species and are currently short of clear walnut and clear white oak. Best thickness is 5/4 to 8/4. Best width is 6 inches +. Best length is 9'-10'. Talk to me before you harvest or if you have good logs in your yard. I'm also looking for small amounts of some of the less common hardwoods (clear green) like dogwood, sassafras, elms, locusts, persimmon, marionberry, red gum, hickory, pecan, osage. Don't use the softer hardwoods like soft maple, alder, basswood, poplar or cottonwood. Must be clears, and green or partially air dried. No kd.

Sawmill, Band Sawmill, Band Saw Mill, Portable Sawmill, Portable Saw Mill, Used Sawmill for Sale, Used Sawmills for Sale, Circular Sawmill, Chainsaw Sawmill, TimberKing Sawmill, Cook's Sawmill
Bandsaw Sawmills, Norwood Sawmill, LogMaster Sawmill, Timbery Sawmill, Wood-Mizer Sawmill, Timber Wolf Bandsaw Blades, LOGOSOL, Granberg Chainsaw Mill
Used Band Sawmills for Sale, Used Band Sawmills, Used Portable Sawmills, Used Portable Sawmill, Bandsaw Mill, Sawmill Equipment, Used Sawmill Machinery, Bandmills, Band Mills, Woodmizer, Wood-Mizer, Woodmiser