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 WANTED: Tree Length Logs (AZ)
 Ad Posted:  Monday, February 3, 2025
 Ad Expires:  Sunday, May 4, 2025
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Ash Fork
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All Ads by wcfirewood
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WANTED: Tree Length Logs (AZ)

Woodchuckers Firewood is looking for tree length logs of pine and juniper. Looking to buy 10 plus cords at a time, multiple truck loads per week. We are looking for trees in the 10’ to 22’ lengths, we may be interested in longer logs let us know what you have. We would want the logs delivered to our processing yard’s one is located in the Ash Fork area and the other is in Paulden. Our operation is also fully portable and could be setup, near your landing area. Interested parties are encouraged to contact us @ ad or 9 two eight 525 sixty one twenty 1. Please have the following information available when contacting us Species of tree, Quantity available, Diameter at DBH, and you’re pricing.

Call Brad (Woodchuckers Firewood) at 928-525-6121

Sawmill, Band Sawmill, Band Saw Mill, Portable Sawmill, Portable Saw Mill, Used Sawmill for Sale, Used Sawmills for Sale, Circular Sawmill, Chainsaw Sawmill, TimberKing Sawmill, Cook's Sawmill
Bandsaw Sawmills, Norwood Sawmill, LogMaster Sawmill, Timbery Sawmill, Wood-Mizer Sawmill, Timber Wolf Bandsaw Blades, LOGOSOL, Granberg Chainsaw Mill
Used Band Sawmills for Sale, Used Band Sawmills, Used Portable Sawmills, Used Portable Sawmill, Bandsaw Mill, Sawmill Equipment, Used Sawmill Machinery, Bandmills, Band Mills, Woodmizer, Wood-Mizer, Woodmiser